As the founder of Cherrington Media, I take great pride in my reputation as an expert affiliate marketer who helps clients maximize their digital sales and ROI.
While some may think leisure activities like axe throwing have no crossover into the business world, I’ve found this intense sport helps sharpen my targeting skills.

The hyper-focus, precision, and mental acuity needed to stick that tiny bullseye translates directly into crafting killer affiliate marketing campaigns.
Taking Aim With Adam Cherrington
Just like accurately hurling a 1.5-pound axe at a wooden target requires precise aim, being an affiliate marketing pro means zeroing in on the right audience to promote each product.
I visually map out customer avatars, analyzing demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points to identify who would most benefit from the offering.
Just as axe throwers must factor in distance and physics, I consider all variables that influence my prospect’s buying decisions.
Taking the time to carefully aim before launching a campaign prevents wasting throws and leads to more conversions.
Cherrington Media And Hitting the Bullseye
In axe throwing, the tiny red bullseye in the very center offers the highest points for stickiness.
When promoting affiliate products, my role is to move prospects along the sales funnel toward that bullseye – getting them to take desired actions like opt-ins, downloads, and purchases.
I analyze customer journey patterns and fine-tune my aim, aligning email sequences, social media posts, and ad messaging to guide potential buyers step-by-step toward conversion goals.
Hitting the affiliate promotion bullseye generates those big commission checks.

Bouncing Back At Cherrington Media
Even world champion axe throwers deal with errant throws that bounce off the wooden targets. I’ve had my share of affiliate marketing failures, whether technology glitches, ineffective messaging, or campaigns that completely miss the mark.
But just like in axe throwing, rather than dwell on the misses, I extract key learnings then tweak my stance, grip, and strategy until I regain my rhythm.
Persistence and an analytical approach helps me bounce back quicker to start sticking to those promotions.
Adam Cherrington Throwing Accurate Under Pressure
The intensity of head-to-head axe-throwing competitions forces me to perform when the stakes are high.
As an affiliate marketer, I also deal with scrutiny from networks, clients demanding results, and even colleagues questioning my unorthodox background.
But throwing accurately under pressure is critical in both worlds. When a major campaign is on the line, I leverage the battle-tested mental toughness, calm poise, and self-confidence I’ve developed on the axe range.
This allows me to execute winning affiliate marketing strategies despite external stresses.
Competitive Self-Improvement
Facing elite axe throwers exposes even microscopic technical flaws that need correction. Similarly, studying the consistently high performers in affiliate marketing motivates me to relentlessly improve.
I adopt winning elements from top competitors’ strategies into my own promotions. But I also optimize axe throwing performance by filming my throws and evaluating areas needing refinement – then making the necessary adjustments.

This competitive self-improvement mindset keeps my affiliate campaigns continuously evolving.
At the end of the day, while some see axe throwing as just an adrenaline-filled hobby, I leverage key skills built in the sport to drive affiliate marketing results.
The hand-eye coordination, kinetic feel, spatial intelligence, and mental acuity needed to stick axes transfer directly into crafting profitable digital campaigns.
So keep that bullseye locked in my sights – I’m ready to throw!